Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365 zshanspaulka@zshanspaulka.cz


Visit from Spain

April 28 to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠5. May 2024 – visit of pupils from the primary school Garbí Pere Vergés from the Catalan city of Badalona

  • 10.05.2024
Visit from Spain #Fotka 1
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 2
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 3
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 4
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 5
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 6
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 7
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 8
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 9
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 10
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 11
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 12
Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 13
Visit from Spain
#Zpět na přehled fotogalerií
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