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Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365

School Counselling Centre (ŠPP)


Over the past years we have managed to build a stable team that provides professional care to pupils, counselling services to legal representatives and methodological support to a team of teachers, educators and assistants.
In addition to the school management, the team of the Hanspaulka Primary School consists of:

Mgr. Petra Bucci - educational advisor for 1st to 5th grades

Provides counselling for parents, children, other teachers in the field of education or upbringing, facilitates diagnosis of children with special educational needs (initial and ongoing), keeps records of pupils with special educational needs, coordinates the provision of counselling services to these pupils by the school and school counselling facilities, provides support to children with special educational needs, coordinates the creation and implementation of individual education plans.
Consultation hours:
  • for pupils: at breaks or by individual arrangement
  • for parents: Tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00 by appointment or by individual arrangement

Mgr. Jana Cejpová - Educational advisor for 6th to 9th grades

Provides counselling services for parents, children, other teachers in the field of education or educational, facilitates diagnosis of children with special educational needs (initial and ongoing), keeps records of pupils with special educational needs, coordinates the provision of counselling services to these pupils by the school and school counselling facilities, provides support (not only) to children with special educational needs, coordinates the creation and implementation of individual education plans, and workshops of the SES PREV project.
Consultation hours:
  • for pupils: during breaks or by individual arrangement
  • for parents: Tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00 by appointment or by individual arrangement

Mgr. Vladimír Rozhon - methodologist for prevention of risky behaviour

Provides services in the field of primary prevention of substance abuse, bullying, truancy, pathological gambling, violence, vandalism, sexual abuse, cult abuse, pre-criminal and criminal behaviour or risky manifestations of self-harm. It also deals with counselling in case of group problems or disagreements between children, etc.
Consultation hours:

Mgr. Michal Tačík - school special educator

He mainly deals with children with specific educational needs, their parents, but also with teachers, with whom he solves current crisis interventions with pupils, with whom he subsequently works in individual lessons and systematically helps to correct their behaviour or improve their performance.
Consultation hours:
  • for pupils: during breaks or by individual appointment
  • for parents: Tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00 by appointment or by individual arrangement

Mgr. Kateřina Spěváková - school psychologist

The school psychologist is dedicated to our children, parents and teachers. She provides individual and group support, also solves current crisis situations. She visits classrooms, conducts observations and then prepares various programs for the classrooms. She works with teachers, who also receive regular supervisory support.
Consultation hours:
  • for pupils: Tuesdays 9:00-16:00 and Thursdays 9:00-13:00 by individual appointment
  • for parents: Tuesday 9:00-16:00 and Thursday 9:00-13:00 by individual appointment
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