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Brief characteristics of Hanspaulka School

About the school

We are a state-run, comprehensive primary school in a beautiful area of Prague 6. We have over 600 pupils in nine grades, 1st to 5th grades, children 6-12 years old, 6th to 9th grade, children 12- 16 years old. The practical implementation of the school's strategy is the school curriculum, which the school can partially adapt according to the national framework. Currently, we are making a significant contribution to achieving the shared vision by focusing on three important areas:
  • Comprehensive development of the pupil's personality (in practice this means the subject of personal and social education in each year of 1st - 9th grade, support for class trips (outdoor schools, experiential SES courses) and joint trips with teachers).
  • High standards in English through CLIL (in practice, this means teaching subjects in English, also in each year of grades 1-9). At the same time, we offer teaching of other languages (German, Italian, and Spanish).
  • Inquisitive mathematics (in practice, this means applying the principles and procedures of the Hejné method in both 1st and 2nd grade, especially in the area of solving mathematical problems.
The development of pupils' key competences is further strengthened through a number of school projects, friendly and active cooperation with parents and the local community of Hanspaulka and the whole of Prague 6, the development of literacy, the activities of the school parliament and international cooperation.
Our school is fully connected to high-speed internet with full coverage throughout the building.

Our school

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