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Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365

School canteen

School canteen

The school canteen is located in the building opposite the school, as is the school club. Approximately 650 diners eat here. The canteen team prepares a choice of two meals for them five times a week. The effort of the canteen employees is to prepare lunches that correspond to a healthy diet, the consumption basket and are tasty. The composition of the meals is adapted to nutritional recommendations and the trend of healthy eating, we use a lot of fresh ingredients from verified suppliers. One of the meals is always meat-free, the menu features a variety of rational meals made from cereals and legumes prepared under the guidance of an experienced chef. The menu also includes fresh vegetable and fruit salads, homemade fruit yogurts and dairy desserts.
We also organize social dinners in the dining room.

The school canteen is allowed to operate as a restaurant , it also cooks for seniors and employees of companies from the area. Meals for foreign diners are served between 11 and 11:30 a.m. The meals can be eaten inside the dining room or taken home in your own containers. The price of lunch, including soup or salad or pastry, is 121 CZK . More information in the rules of the school canteen or from the school administrator.

Meals for students can be ordered or checked out by phone in the cafeteria office at 233 333 437 or at
Martin Průša (head of kitchen)

You can read more about preparations and events in the school kitchen on the chef's blog .

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