We regularly and happily travel abroad to experience other countries, people, ways of life and learning. Over time, our foreign trips have settled down and we now go to the UK, Italy and France.
Since 2009, we have been organising trips to the UK for second level pupils. The Prague 6 municipality also supports education in the field of language teaching. Thanks to this, we can draw funds from the grant "When in English, in England".
In 2017, our school started an international cooperation with the French primary school Collège Le Bastion, from Carcassonne.
In the school year 2017/2018, 16 pupils from our school and 21 children from France participated in the exchange. The programme was designed primarily for children studying French as a second foreign language.
After this first positive experience, we accepted the school's offer to participate in a project called Developing Citical Mind of Young European Citizens, ERASMUS+ programme, supported by the European Union.
Second level students work on joint activities. It is hoped that the exchanges will continue to take place, which are of great benefit to all involved, not only from a linguistic point of view.