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The aim of the experiential courses is to work intensively with the class collective, promoting positive peer group relations. Other goals are the children's self-actualsation, cooperation, self-knowledge and getting to know others. Tolerance of differences or the ability to assert oneself in a healthy way in different situations is not forgotten. Emphasis is placed especially on self-experience, its awareness and sharing with other members of the collective. The aim of these courses is also to promote a healthy school environment. They are led by qualified lecturers; in recent years the lecturers have been teachers from our school; usually a risk behaviour prevention methodologist and a special educator are present. Thanks to the experiential courses, pupils have the opportunity to get to know each other in situations other than school, which deepens positive relationships.

Since 2002, teachers have also been attending SES Teacher courses with a similar focus and objectives - twice a year.

Experiential courses for 6th to 9th grade pupils, which have been running since 2001, under the acronym SES (SElf-realization, SElf-recognition, Cooperation - we teach SElf and learn together) have become an integral part of the school's educational program at Hanspaulka Elementary School and also the school's prevention program. Since 2005, many grades of our school have gone through the whole model of experiential SES courses (1 - 2 courses in 6th and 7th grade and 1 course in 8th and 9th grade). Each class always leaves independently with a class teacher and SES team. The basic method is experiential learning, which is already used at Hanspaulka Primary School not only on the outbound courses, but has become part of the teaching process. To achieve the chosen objectives of the project, the lecturers use games and other activities.
After the core programmes, reflection takes place, where pupils learn to name their role in the team, spontaneous self-evaluation takes place, they learn to appreciate the contribution of their classmates and establish relationships that are of great importance for the class collective. The programme works with various communication, creative and relaxation activities. We also make great use of dramatisation, model situations and role-playing. We also use critical thinking methods in the experiential course. Even in games or activities based on a similar principle, evocation, awareness and reflection can be applied at particular moments.
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