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Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365

School Education Program (ŠVP)


The school's educational program is called "We learn to learn" .
We want to understand ourselves, others and the world around us.

According to this educational program, teaching began in the 2005/2006 school year. In the following years, there were several updates and revisions according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is a living document that reflects changes in education. The name remains the same because it encompasses everything that is its goal in our school.
The pupils of ZŠ Hanspaulka are learning to learn, to find their own learning style. It's not just knowledge, but also skills important for life. The educational program also includes the compulsory subject of personality education, which develops knowledge of oneself and classmates.
We wish him to bring a nice atmosphere, motivation, activity and good work results to the school.
Thematic plans in Czech on Google Drive - HERE.
School education program in CZ on Google Driv - HERE.


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