Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365 zshanspaulka@zshanspaulka.cz

Offer of Clubs for the School Year 2023/24



Creative, Musical, Scientific and others…

  • Explorers' Club Happy Science
  • Sewing Club, Barbora Tocháčková
    • Thu 14–15:30 - 4th-5th grade
    • Thu 15–16:30 - 6th-9th grade
    • hand, machine, crochet, embroidery, knitting
    • barbora.tochackova@zshanspaulka.cz 
  • Arithmetic game
  • Bricks 4 Kidz® (LEGO® club) 
  • Junior Robotics with LEGO® WeDo® 2.00 
  • We Enjoy Science
  • 1. Scratch Junior, IT Klub z.s.
    • Thu 14:15–15:15
    • children 1st - 2nd grade
    • Helena Šarapatková, www.it-klub.cz, 775 238 909
  • 1. Scratch, IT Klub z.s.
    • Thu 14:15–15:15
    • children 3rd - 4th grade
    • Jakub Rýc, www.it-klub.cz, 775 238 909
  • Wooden workshop Bára Hubená
    • Tue 13:45–15:15, 15:30–17:00
    • Wed 13:45–15:15, 15:30–17:00
    • barahubena@hcn.cz, 605 504 206 
  • Ceramic courses at school Mgr. J.Syslová
    • Mon 14:00–15:30 - 1st grade
    • Wed 14:00–15:30 - 1st grade
    • Tue 14:00–15:30 - 2nd grade
    • Tue 19:00–21:00 - adults
    • 774 944 770 
  • Religion sister Ludmila
    • Mon 14:00–14:45 hod. 1–4th grade
    • Mon 15:00–15:45 hod. 5–9th grade
    • 220 513 866
  • Piano Klára Hnátová
  • Little Nature Explorer
  • Cooking with Chef Petr Klíma
    • Tue 15:00–16:30
    • petr.klima@zshanspaulka.cz
  • Crafting club with Katka
    • Tue 14:00–15:30
    • Kateřina Jírová, katerina.jirova@zshanspaulka.cz, 602 955 122
  • Block Programming in Minecraft Education, Jakub Šajben
  • Drama Club


  • Two Hour School
    • Dědina Primary School + Hanspaulka Primary School
    • Tue 14:00-15:00
    • Thu 14:00-15:00
    • 601 348 392

Outside the School Building

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