Timetable Bachelors Substitution overview 224 310 365 zshanspaulka@zshanspaulka.cz

Visit from Spain

In the week from April 28 to May 5, we hosted 10 6th grade students from the Garbí Pere Vergés elementary school from the Catalan city of Badalona in our school. The pupils were accommodated in the families of Czech partners, who will then travel to Spain in October of the next school year. The prepared program at the school was very varied and intensive, the children took a look at the Spanish and English classes, tried geography lessons in the CLIL format or played an outdoor game exploring the school's surroundings. We also used the installed EUtejner, where the children tested their knowledge about the European Union together. As a souvenir, the students took home a decoration that they had made themselves in the wooden workshop. The program also included two afternoons spent walking around Prague.
On Thursday, May 2, in the school premises, our guests prepared a tourist fair for us regarding Spain and its autonomous communities. All passers-by could thus learn something more about the beauty of this country and at the same time had the opportunity to taste the local specialties. The fair was really well prepared and everyone liked it very much.
On Saturday, May 4, we went together to Liberec, where we enjoyed a few hours at IQ Landia and visited the oldest zoo in the Czech Republic.
We would like to thank the parents of our pupils for the wonderful welcome and care for the Spanish children, they will surely remember their visit with us for a long time.
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Visit from Spain
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Visit from Spain
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Visit from Spain
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Visit from Spain
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Visit from Spain
Visit from Spain #Fotka 13
Visit from Spain
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